About winter sports


Winter… At this time of year, more and more often we want to stay home, wrap ourselves in a warm blanket, and warm ourselves with warm tea. Sometimes we all do so, but there is little benefit from such a pastime for the body. At any time of year, the body needs fresh air, movement and activity. A real treasure trove of health and positive energy you’ll find in winter sports – skiing, sledding, snowboarding, ice skating and others. What sports should you do to improve your mood and immune system?

This sport implies constant cardio exercise: constant movement over a long period of time. During such training increases stamina and immunity, improves the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. In addition, while skiing you train your breathing and give your lungs a healthy workout. Skiing is also useful as a sport for weight loss. It is proven that in 1 hour of active skiing you will lose about 400-700 calories. In addition, you will strengthen the muscles of your back, legs, arms, hips and abdomen. So, to keep yourself in shape in winter (which is especially important after the Christmas holidays), take skis, go to the woods and arrange a ski trip for 3-5 kilometers. It is desirable to go skiing at least twice a week. You will get a boost of energy and maintain your overall health!

This sport becomes more and more popular every year. Along with skiing, snowboarding allows you to maintain the overall health of a person, increase tone and strengthen muscles. It is worth noting that during the training on the snowboarding involved all muscle groups: legs, arms, buttocks, abdomen, etc. During these activities, your body is tensed, all muscles are strengthened, and fat is dissolved. You will easily get rid of 500-600 calories per hour of exercise. You will have a healthy and slim body! In addition, snowboarding lessons are useful for those who want to strengthen the vestibular system, normalize the cardiovascular system. It is also worth noting that snowboarding will give you a lot of emotions and “thrills”. You will truly love this sport, if zasanimayuschim at least 1-2 times a week.

Skating is a familiar and favorite since childhood winter sport for most people. It trains speed, flexibility, agility, the ability to keep balance. Skating improves your general health, tones your muscles and musculoskeletal system. You will improve immunity and feel good throughout the year. For 1 hour of skating you will get rid of more than 400 calories. The muscles of your hips, buttocks, abdomen will always be toned if you do this sport for 2-3 hours a week. In addition, skating will certainly improve your mood!

This team sport will improve your health and bring a lot of benefits to your body. During the class both the lower and the upper body work actively. You can effectively work your arms, legs, back, abs, and other muscle groups. You can burn more than 500 calories in 1 game! Hockey will help you lose extra pounds, as well as strengthen the vestibular system. You can train your endurance, agility, reaction rate, and improve immunity.

This children’s fun is also relevant in adulthood. It will allow you to keep your body toned and have a lot of fun. When you go up and down in a sledge you get both a moderate cardio load and a burst of energy and “hormone of joy” – endorphin. Sledging – it is an antidepressant, even in the coldest and dull winter. In addition, it is a great way to lose a few extra pounds that may appear after a long feast.