Sports History


In the earliest stages of human development, the struggle for existence dictated its laws. Physical strength and dexterity in hunting, war and in the distribution of prey played a very important role. Aborigines in Australia to this day have preserved as a method of hunting chasing antelope or kangaroo by running – until the animal gets tired.

Physical fitness was maintained, in addition, by training. Australian aborigines constantly exercised in archery and boomerang throwing, competed in running and jumping, and played a kind of ball. Among Native American tribes, throwing a ball at a target, running for long distances, and lifting weights – stones of varying weight – were popular. Among the Aztecs, Maya, Incas was widespread group game with a rubber ball, in which each team sought to throw the ball into a ring attached to a post or wall. Isn’t it the ancestor of modern basketball! The primitive tribes of Africa used stick fencing, wrestling, running with weight, swinging on vines. Thanks to this training, hunters could chase their prey for many hours and then bring their heavy loads home.

History of sport in the states of the ancient world
The history of the development of sports has extraordinarily long roots. Traces of physical culture and sports have been found in the early states (IV-III millennia BC). Ritual competitions in honor of the god Marduk, the patron of Babylon, preceded the ancient Greek Olympics by more than a thousand years. These competitions included archery, belt wrestling, sword fencing, fist fighting, saddle races, chariot races, javelin throwing and hunting.
Hunting, horseback riding, sword fencing, chariot races, archery, ball and stick games were widespread in India and Persia in ancient times. Horse polo, chess, field hockey, and other games emerged in India. In Persia there were schools where children were taught horseback riding, dart throwing, and archery.
On the cuneiform tablets on the walls of the ancient Egyptian pyramids scientists found images of more than 400 kinds of physical exercises and games. Among them are wrestling, archery competitions, swimming, rowing, chariot races, etc. In ancient Egypt in special rooms were arranged competitions in running, jumping and throwing, lifting weights, wrestling and fist fighting, fencing, as well as different sports games. Physical culture and sports reached their peak in ancient Greece, where the first Olympic Games were held.

The history of sports is very rich in interesting and beautiful events. People back in the old days competed in various competitions. Sports have always been a good alternative for mankind, contributing to a peaceful, healthy life.

All the sports games of bygone millennia remain in our time, only they have improved. For example, today we have a sport such as rally, and in ancient Greece competed in a chariot. But it was not just a race, but a fight with attacks, after which not everyone stayed alive.

The people of Egypt in the past were fist fights, archery, and cross-country competitions.

Whichever part of the world you take, sports were paramount everywhere. And it wasn’t just for the health and physical beauty of the body. In the past, winners of the Olympic Games were held in great honor and respect among the common people. They were given free food, but most importantly, the winners were put in high places.